Building Community in Downtown Allentown

City Center Investment Corp. Pledges $1 Million to Match New and Increased Gifts to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley

City Center Investment Corp., the real estate development company revitalizing downtown Allentown, Pa., today announced it has pledged $1 million through its Building Community initiative to match new and increased gifts to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley (UWGLV). Through the City Center Next Century Challenge, donors will have the opportunity to double their impact thanks to City Center’s dollar-for-dollar match of all new and increased gifts to UWGLV during the 2018 campaign. 
“City Center Investment Corp. and United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley share a dedication to building a brighter future for everyone in our community,” remarked City Center President J.B. Reilly. “Through the City Center Next Century Challenge, we believe we can make a positive impact on the critical work of the United Way by encouraging new and increased gifts to its campaign.”  
United Way’s program investments impact the lives of 60,000 people each year and create opportunities to improve the health, education and safety of everyone in the Greater Lehigh Valley.
The Challenge will automatically match all new gifts to UWGLV dollar-for-dollar, as well as match increased gifts. For example, if a donor increases his or her annual gift from $100 to $200, the City Center Next Century Challenge will match the $100 increase.
“Our donors can now make two or three times an impact thanks to this gift from City Center Investment Corp.,” added David Lewis, President, UWGLV. “If you’ve been considering increasing your gift, even by $2 a week, this is the time to do it.”
All new and increased gifts are eligible for the City Center Next Century Challenge, including individual contributions and payroll deductions through workplace campaigns.
“We are thrilled to kick-off the campaign with the City Center Next Century Challenge. We are guaranteed to succeed, because we’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders like J.B. Reilly, City Center Investment Corp. and so many businesses and organizations working together toward common goals,” said David Shaffer, who joins his wife Sue as 2018 UWGLV Campaign Co-chairs.
Building Community is the community-engagement initiative of City Center and its employees and principals. The initiative aims to revitalize downtown Allentown and its surrounding neighborhoods by providing financial support, in-kind donations and volunteer service, focusing on four key results-oriented areas: health, arts, community development and education. In 2017, CCIC donated more than $3.2 million total to 120 organizations and its 25 employees volunteered at nearly 50 organizations, donating more than 1,500 total hours.
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley raises money and invests in programs to achieve three bold goals: increase the number of third-graders reading on grade level, decrease the number of food insecure residents and increase the number of seniors whose basic needs are met at home.